Hey everyone. Today is my final day with you all. I have officially been laid off.

30 Jan 2023, 19:07
Hey everyone! Today is my final day with you all. I have officially been laid off. For better or worst, ADAX has been my first crypto job. I met a lot of amazing people through this project and made some friends for life here. I am sorry to all that I was unfair to, I am sure it happened more than I would have liked to, but I didn't always had the right answers (ar an answer at all) and the pressure could be pretty big I have not been paid yet, but Dovydas has stated he will pay me for the work I did up until today. Let's see. To all of the OGs here, that always had my back, even if they had criticism, thanks for staying and good luck Anyone that wants to, feel free to DM me, I may not respond in real time, but I will try to reply to all of you. I hope Dovydas allows this message to go un-deleted. So long ADAXians